Mad Anthony

How the name came about

1/31/20251 min read

My post content

My blog is titled 'Mad Anthony's Musings'. It's named from General Mad Anthony Wayne. He is the founder of Fort Wayne, IN, my hometown. It is to pay homage to my hometown and my name. I guess you can throw the 'mad' part in because some would say triathletes are a mad (crazy) bunch. It does not have anything to do with my coaching style or how I would treat triathletes (or regular people for that matter).
I intend for this blog to be somewhat informative, somewhat serious and somewhat funny. I will post new content weekly on Thursday. You'll read about some of my coaching philosophys and insights, training days and weeks, race recaps and musings that always seem to happen to me. I'll also be writing about Team GRIT. I am taking on athletes now, and also running a promotion through the end of February. Click on Pricing to find out more.
If you'd like to learn more about General Wayne click here.
If you have a topic you'd like me to touch on, leave a message and I'll try to fit it in without giving up too many secrets. After all, I am trying to make a living being a triathlon coach.
Happy training and racing,
Until next time...
Coach Tony
(Coach 'Mad' Anthony)